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Sunday, April 18, 2010


IAfter the WWII, the world witnessed nuclear arm race between the two super powers- US and USSR. Both countries tested hydrogen bombs and designed lethal nuclear weapons in order to subdue each other to be solely super power of the world. The race came to an end in the shape of fall of Moscow in 1991. During the five decades of the cold war, both nations stockpiled thousands of nuclear weapons.

Recently, a nuclear summit was organized in Washington D.C. in order to stop the proliferation and it urged the nuclear powers to make the nukes safer. Uncle Sam has always been the international custodian of the non proliferation of nukes though it has itself spread the technology to the other countries.
Interestingly, Iran, North Korea and Syria were not invited in the summit as these countries were listed on the page of axis of evils. The summit was important for Pakistan as the US has been showing concerns that pak nukes may fall into the wrong hands. During the two days of the summit, different topics came under the discussion regarding nuclear proliferation and sound security system of nuclear plants.
It is very important to note the objectives of the US to hold the summit. The US is not currently in the position to wage a war on Iran to stop the country from getting nuclear weapons. By holding the summit, Obama has made it clear to the world and IAEA that Iran’s nuclear program will not be tolerated anyhow and the one, who supports Iran’s nuclear program, will face severe constraints.
Secondly, Hillary Clinton threatened the world that the US might use nuclear weapons if America is attacked with biological weapons. It was an open message to the world community that the IAEA’s rules do not apply on the US.
Furthermore, the summit did not provide any solid strategy to make the world nuclear free. Obama’s MISSION TO MAKE PEACEFUL WORLD was actually a disguise plan to show the world that the US is still powerful and it will not let the other country to capture the super power position on the chess of the great game of the world.
Signs on START I by Russia and the US just two days before the summit to reduce the stockpiles of nukes, was a like to throw a match stick from the match box. The summit did not evaluate the menace of nuclear fuel which is more difficult to secure than a nuclear plant.
In Pakistan context, it was quite successful as Pakistan was not blamed regarding proliferation and its nuclear weapons security. The saga of Dr.A.Q. Khan was not discussed in the two days meeting of 47 leaders of the world.
Was the summit successful and will it be helpful for the world to make the world peaceful in real meanings? In my opinion, it was mere an international show by Obama administration to the world community to pursue American guidelines in order to make the world safer from nuclear races.
Organizing summits like this will not protect the world from nuclear race. For this, the organizer has to design in-discriminatory and single standard policy. The US and other countries have been playing double standard game by providing nuclear technology to other nations. On the other hand, the champions of world peace are shouting slogans of nuclear free world.
Importantly, the US has not itself signed on CTBT and NPT but Obama stressed the world leaders to sign the agreements. Pakistan clearly mentioned that the treaties could be signed if India agreed to do so.
No doubt, nuclear terrorism is a big threat for the world and it must be tackled anyhow. Obama must begin charity at his home by signing CTBT and NPT. Being chairman of the summit, Uncle Sam will have to be role model itself first by following the policy of disarmament and it will make Obama duly right for the Noble peace prize.